mirisavetiya stupa
Unveiling the Sacred Splendor


Nestled amidst the ancient city of Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka, the Mirisavetiya Stupa stands as a remarkable testament to the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of this UNESCO World Heritage site. Dating back to the 3rd century BC, this revered Buddhist monument holds an air of sanctity and historical significance. With its awe-inspiring architecture, mystical legends, and serene atmosphere, the Mirisavetiya Stupa continues to enthrall pilgrims and visitors alike, inviting them to embark on a spiritual journey through time.

Historical Significance

The Mirisavetiya Stupa holds a profound historical legacy as one of the oldest stupas in Sri Lanka. Its construction is attributed to King Dutugemunu, who built it to commemorate his victory over the southern invader, King Elara. Legend has it that after the triumph, King Dutugemunu enshrined a sacred relic of the Buddha within the stupa, elevating its spiritual status and making it an esteemed site of veneration for Buddhists worldwide.

Architectural Splendor

The architectural grandeur of the Mirisavetiya Stupa is a sight to behold. Standing tall at a height of approximately 120 feet, it showcases the characteristic features of ancient Sinhalese stupa architecture. The stupa’s dome-shaped structure, meticulously constructed with bricks and adorned with intricate carvings, reflects the artistic prowess of its creators. Its symmetrical design and meticulous attention to detail exemplify the ancient builders’ devotion and craftsmanship, leaving visitors in awe of their architectural mastery.

Spiritual Serenity

The Mirisavetiya Stupa exudes an atmosphere of spiritual serenity, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in its divine ambiance. Devout Buddhists, as well as curious explorers, find solace within its premises, enveloped by an aura of tranquility. The gentle rustling of leaves, the fragrance of blossoming flowers, and the resonant sound of prayer chants combine to create a meditative environment conducive to introspection and inner peace. The stupa serves as a reminder of the profound teachings of Buddhism, offering a sanctuary for spiritual seekers to connect with their inner selves.

Pilgrimage Experience

A pilgrimage to the Mirisavetiya Stupa is an extraordinary journey that grants pilgrims a glimpse into the sacred heritage of Sri Lanka. Upon approaching the stupa, visitors are greeted by a sense of reverence as they witness devotees clad in white, bearing offerings of flowers and incense. The rhythmic recitation of prayers fills the air, accompanied by the sight of fluttering prayer flags. Engaging in circumambulations around the stupa, pilgrims pay homage to the Buddha’s teachings, seeking blessings, enlightenment, and spiritual fulfillment.

Preservation and Restoration

To preserve the Mirisavetiya Stupa’s cultural and historical significance, the Sri Lankan government and heritage organizations have undertaken preservation and restoration efforts. These initiatives aim to safeguard the stupa’s structural integrity, ensuring that future generations can continue to appreciate its architectural magnificence and spiritual essence.


The Mirisavetiya Stupa stands as a cherished relic of Anuradhapura, beckoning travelers to delve into the depths of Sri Lanka’s spiritual and cultural heritage. Its ancient allure, coupled with the tranquility that pervades its surroundings, offers a profound experience that resonates with visitors, inviting them to connect with the divine and embrace the timeless wisdom of Buddhism.

green hut hotel & restaurant


Useful Tips

  • Visitors can enter the stupa complex through the main gate, which is located on the eastern side. The site is open from 6 am to 7 pm every day and there is an entrance fee for foreigners.

  • Visitors are required to dress modestly and cover their shoulders and knees while visiting the stupa. Shoes must be removed before entering the vatadage.
green hut hotel & restaurant