bahirawakanda temple
Murals Depict Scenes


Bahirawakanda temple is a popular Buddhist temple located in the city of Kandy, Sri Lanka. The temple is situated on top of a hill and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. It is one of the most visited temples in Kandy and is a must-visit attraction for anyone visiting the city.

The temple is home to a 26-meter tall Buddha statue, which is visible from many parts of the city. The statue was erected in 1972 and is one of the tallest Buddha statues in Sri Lanka. Visitors to the temple can climb up to the base of the statue and take in the stunning views of the city and the surrounding hills.

One of the unique features of the Bahirawakanda temple is the beautiful murals that adorn the walls of the temple. These murals depict scenes from the life of the Buddha and are a testament to the artistic skills of the people of Sri Lanka.

The temple is also famous for the annual Esala Perahera festival, which takes place in July or August. The festival features a grand procession of elephants, dancers, and musicians, and is a celebration of Sri Lankan culture and tradition.

Visitors to the Bahirawakanda temple can also explore the surrounding area, which is home to several other temples and historical sites. The temple is a perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and to experience the peaceful and spiritual side of Sri Lanka.

green hut hotel & restaurant


Useful Tips

  • Ensure that your clothing covers your shoulders and knees.
  • You will need to remove your shoes before entering the temple. Therefore, it is advisable to wear shoes that are easy to take off and put on.
  • Bahirawakanda temple is open from 6.00 AM to 7.00 PM every day. To avoid crowds, it is best to visit in the morning or late afternoon.
  • You are allowed to take photographs, but ensure that you do not take pictures of any worshipers or sacred objects without first seeking permission.
  • Beware of touts and scammers around the temple. They may try to mislead you and cheat you out of your money.
green hut hotel & restaurant